18 January 2006

TBM - Jess & Brad's visit to Thailand

Dear Ones,
We're going to depart from our usual "missionary fare" and report on our Tio (pronounced like trio, without the r - meaning "fun outing") with Jessie, Brad, and the Ellertsons who came to visit in December.  It turns out, Brad's Dad, Dan Ellertson, was a missionary here 25 years ago.  So they brought their family here during Christmas Vacation, for a DOUBLY-FUN visit!
We started out by taking the night-train to Chiang Mai, located up close to the northern border.  We arrived, on a beautiful morning, with the weather simply perfect for touring.
During the course of our trip, we did a lot of climbing
       IN                                   AND                             OUT
of Song Tous  ("ou," like in ouch).  These are pick-up trucks converted into small open-air buses.  The main problem being the height.  They're made for short Thais, not tall Lindorfs and Ellertsons.  What fun!
The main event for the day was ELEPHANTS!  (Which just happens to be their specialty.)  We all had fun, initially, getting to feed the elephants.
Then it was time for an elephant ride.  In addition to a pregnant rider (yes, Jessie is expecting their first baby in May!), notice that the mama elephant is also very pregnant.
Brad decides it time to take the reigns...
Of course, who is taking all these great pictures?....  Elder Lindorf, the shutter-bug!
A great shot from his perch.  This mama elephant was not going to leave her baby behind, even if the water was deep.
We finished up our day with a bamboo raft ride.  We managed to get sunburned, even with the cool hats.
We have a great time at the Night Market, where Grandpa gets to do one of his favorite things....  bargain on great deals for his grandkids! 
All in all our week was filled with one fun adventure after another.  It really helped that Dan could still speak his Thai!  We visited a wood carving factory, a cave, hot springs, saw an elephant show, an orchid farm, and saw lots of incredibly beautiful countryside.
As can be imagined, we at lots and Lots and LOTS of interesting food!  But by the end of the week, Jess and Brad were ordering from the street vendors like pros.
We enjoyed their visit immensely and we want to extend an invitation to you.  If you've ever wanted to see this corner of the world, you've got a bed to sleep in and and a warm shower to boot!
Much love,
Elder and Sister Lindorf
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15 January 2006

TBM - Baptisms in Myanmar

Dear friends & family,
I'm sorry we've been slow lately with email.  We're back on track after several amazing weeks.  I am also committed to fewer words - more pictures - to make our communiqués more interesting for you.
We had the most incredible experience last weekend.  We flew to Yangon in Myanmar (Burma) to attend church and a baptismal service with the branch there.  They have 3 senior missionary couples (LDSC) doing humanitarian service and teaching English classes, but no young proselyting Elders or Sisters.   Proselyting is not currently allowed in Burma.  They have about 100 people attending church each week, most of whom speak some English since almost all of them came in contact with the Church through our English teaching program.  We're allowed to teach them the Gospel if they come to us.  We just can't solicit members.  It's good that they understand English, since we also don't have any Church publications or scriptures in their native Myanmar language.
Here's a picture of their chapel showing the outdoor baptismal font
Before church - Getting Ready!
After the scheduled meeting block, they had a light lunch before the baptism.
The Burmese saints are so open and full of light.  It was a choice experience to be there.  It was also revealing to see how different they are culturally from Thais.  We are praying that the political roadblocks to active proselyting in this beautiful country will be lifted soon.  The gospel will flourish here if given the opportunity.  Sister Lindorf and I were so impressed with our experience, we're ready to request Burma for our next mission!
Here are the candidates preparing for the service.  TEN people were baptized.
Here's a closer shot.
We got close to one couple that was baptized while we were there that I want to tell you more about.  They came down early so we got to know them better on Saturday.   Here's a picture of Kate and 'Phoenix' after the service.
This young couple is from Mandalay, Myanmar where we don't have an official branch yet.  There is one LDSC Senior couple teaching English there.  Kate and Phoenix (nickname) volunteer their time to teach orphans and other children who can't afford to go to the regular schools.  Here's a picture of their classroom.
Notice the book bags hanging on the wall.  These were donated by LDS Charities.  They LOVE their bags!
Here's Kate with a student.
Eager to learn.  What you see on their faces (besides excitement) is a powder they use that keeps them cooler in humidity.
As in Thailand, everyone removes their shoes before entering even the most humble buildings.
All children in the government sponsored schools wear uniforms to class.  Since this is school is outside of the regular system, they depend on donations for operating expenses.  Kate and Phoenix only receive the equivalent of $20 US per month for their service with these kids.   Here are some of the students with their donated uniforms and book bags.
They also have some new students that still need uniforms.  Here are some of them.
Uniforms are only $4 but since they have to depend on local donations, that can be hard to come by. 
I can't begin to tell you what a special experience we had there.  I realize that the US (and most of the world) is at odds with the current military regime in Myanmar.  Politics aside, they are a beautiful people, eager to learn and serve.  Please pray for them with us, that the Gospel will be brought to these people.
We will catch you up with more adventures and more pictures in coming weeks.  Thank you for your love and support.  We are SO happy to be here! 
Elder and Sister Lindorf