This week we'd like to share a happy experience. Remember the 10 baptisms in Myanmar from last month?
Daisy is holding hands with Kate on the front row (who we told you about in an earlier update). They are good friends from Mandalay, Myanmar. At the end of January, we met Daisy's fiance and we were able to attend their wedding in Bangkok. They are dressed in traditional Burmese costumes at the wedding. Here are a few pictures you'll enjoy.
The wedding was officiated by our Mission President, Scott Hansen. Daisy's new husband, Tom was accompanied by several members of his Baptist congregation leadership. Being the great new member missionary that Daisy is, she was excited to share the Gospel with Tom. He's been studying diligently and today was baptized into the Church.
Happy day for Daisy and Tom!
In Tom's testimony after the baptism, he bore a strong witness to the truthfulness of the restored gospel and that his decision to be baptized was due to his spiritual witness. Daisy gave the talk on baptism at the service, and even though she is very new, her understanding of this covenant came through loud and clear. They will be a strong new family and they have a goal to get to the Temple at their earliest opportunity. Tom mentioned several times that he feels like we're here in place of his parents who can't be. What precious children of our Father in Heaven.
We can't begin to express what it's like to be here and witness first hand the change that takes place in individuals as they embrace the Gospel. There is nowhere we would rather be!
When President Reese set us apart for this mission, he said that we would experience more joy than we had yet known. We're beginning to understand what he meant.
This week we'll be visited by Elder Holland who will be in Thailand and Laos. More on that in our next update.
Elder and Sister Lindorf