19 March 2006

TBM - Time Out

Hi All,
I mentioned last week that Nate was getting married and that Sister Lindorf was able to attend.  From all reports the wedding at the Las Vegas Temple was wonderful.
Less than 12 hours ago, they held an open house in Orem for the Utah friends.  Harry Colter was nice enough to forward me pictures of the event.  I have selected a few for you to enjoy.
From the wedding day
No caption necessary!
Someone likes chocolate!
This seems to be a popular pose
There's our happy Missionary Mom
Some of you know the Forbes who just returned from Laos on Friday
How do such attractive children come from such funny parents?
This is Jessie with Grandbaby number 7
Thanks for watching!
Have a great week!
Elder Lindorf

12 March 2006

TBM - Tired of Cold Weather? Try Thailand!

Hello friends and family,
For those of you who are ready for winter to be over, we're headed into our hottest period of the year.  In April they have a 3 day holiday called Songran which is really just a giant country-wide water fight.  In some areas it goes on for 3 weeks!  It's like Mardi Gras.  No one works and anything goes - the more wet you get the better.  Temperatures can get as high as 120 degrees (Fahrenheit)  during April.
Missionaries are allowed to wear flip-flops so they don't get their good shoes wet.  We'll attempt to get some pictures.  It should be fun (if I can keep my camera dry).
Last week two people were baptized in our new branch of Ayutthaya.  Here's a picture of the new members with some of the branch members:
Today they were confirmed.  It's wonderful to see new people come into the branch and be accepted immediately.  This branch has a pot luck meal every week after the meeting block.  Everyone brings something and about 80% of the group stays for lunch.  It's fun and the food is a little different every week so we get to try lots of interesting Thai dishes.
I also wanted to send a follow up on the 'Little School' in Myanmar (Burma) since some of you have inquired.  They emailed me more pictures recently.  I have included a few.  Notice that all the kids are now in uniform and they have some new teaching materials.
The powder on their faces is to keep them cool.  They have no A/C.
This is Kate and Phoenix leading the children in prayer before they eat
Anyone hungry?
On the homefront, Nate and Kristen got married on Friday.  Sister Lindorf got special permission to attend the wedding so she went and I stayed here to try to do both our jobs until she gets back.  Actually, she did most of her part ahead of time, so I'm doing fine.
Hope you're all well and happy and busy with worthwhile activities.  We enjoy all the notes we've received and try to respond to each one.
Elder Lindorf