Dearest Family and Friends,
Believe it or not, it is countdown time... Wow! I don't know where the time has flown. We have less than 2 weeks until our replacement couple arrives in Slovenia. Then it is a week of training and we're off into the wild blue yonder. It truly has been great!
Let me begin with a wonderful double baptism we had recently in Ljubljana. It has been so thrilling to watch these two sisters (front and center) embrace the Gospel of Jesus Christ! The sister on the left is originally from Bosnia and the sister on the right is originally from the Ukraine. They bring a vibrant, rich heritage to our branch.
Elder Lindorf turned a triumphant 60 last month and celebrated by climbing both peaks of Smarna Gora. He shared his spectacular hike with President Hill and his son Darren.
As they crested the top, they found the whole valley was covered in thick fog.
As you can see, Slovenes love to hike and they love the sun - a winning combination that morning!
We have been visiting all of the missionary apartments in our mission. Our main purpose was to install smoke and CO detectors, but we combined it with copying leases and visas, and taking pictures inside and out in preparation for handing things over to our new office couple. We have enjoyed immensely interacting with our missionaries in their apartments and appreciate the ways that they foster the Spirit in their homes. It also has been a beautiful time of year to see the countryside.
We especially enjoyed the splendor of the sunflower fields. And no matter what time of day we saw them, the sunflowers always faced East!
A few Mondays ago, for Preparation Day our District went on an outing to Vintgar near Bled less than an hour from Ljubljana. Our trek followed walkways and bridges along a river at the bottom of a deep gorge. These pictures don't even begin to capture the power and beauty of this creation by our Father in Heaven. We loved it!
For a little taste of local flavor, here is a picture of one of our favorite places to get pizza in Trieste, Italy (we go there every other month to obtain visas for new missionaries) and a picture of local folk dancers in Ljubljana Center.
We are so thankful for the time we have spent in this corner of the world, serving the Lord and His children. Our hearts are full to the brim with love for our beloved Slovenes and the missionaries with whom we serve. It is with tender hearts that we say "ciao, ciao!"
As you can tell by this family tree that hangs above my desk at the mission office, we are also excited to see our children and to hug each of our 14 dear grandchildren. God has cared for each of us abundantly!
Fondest love until our next mission, :)
Sister Lindorf
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