23 October 2006

TBM - Thailand's FIRST

Hey, all you campers!

Okay, I think I feel recuperated enough to report on one of this week's activities…  Can you guess what it was?  Yes!  Girls Camp!  Whew!

A few months ago, my name was discussed in High Council for a counselor in the District Young Women's Presidency.  Elder Lindorf was quick to reply, "She's spent most of her time in Relief Society and Primary.  About the only thing she's done in Young Women is Girls Camp."  "Perfect!" came their excited reply.  "That's just what we want her for!"

So we've been planning Thailand's FIRST year of Girls Camp.  Can you imagine the fun?  What an amazing privilege!  When we had our planning meetings, with each activity we would discuss, they would turn to me and ask how we did it in America.  As I would begin to tell them a little bit of what we had done, their eyes would get so sad.  It was too overwhelming for them.  The "scale" was all wrong.  So, I would immediately suggest a compromise and then they would be all smiles again!  With each suggestion, the Spirit would sweetly testify to my heart, "This is good."
Of course, the best way to start Girls Camp is with a good breakfast.  Mmmmmm….! 

The language barrier gave us lots of humorous situations to laugh about.  I was never quite sure what exactly would be next.  However, this game needed no translation!

For the cooking requirements, we divided the girls into 3 groups and gave each group identical pans of food.  Then we turned them loose to see what they could come up with.

First we prepare the food...

Next, we cook the food (Thai style, of course).

And look at what they made!  It was delicious!

We also invited 2 Sister Missionaries to join us for a day, to help the girls ease into this and to translate for me.  They taught the girls how to make Banana Boats!

Here we are, demonstrating line dancing...  Yee-haw!!

We had fun singing camp songs, thanks to the Camp Manuel being translated into Thai.  You may notice my new innovation...  I'm playing the guitar like a base.  I have a shoulder problem that made it so I couldn't play the regular way.  Whatever works!

And, what would Girls Camp be without skits???

The girls chose themes for their skits, such as "Sister missionaries out preaching the Gospel," and "Praying to know if the Book of Mormon is true."  It is easy to see their perspective on what is important in life!

I feel so blessed to have had the privilege of working and playing with these Young Women!  As I took this picture, I couldn't help but reflect on the chosen, valiant sons and daughters God has reserved for these last days.  I pray that God will bless each of them to go forward in faith and help to strengthen the Kingdom of God in Thailand.

Keep the home fires burning...
Love, Sister Lindorf

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